Sunday, 29 April 2007
Well, not so much of the "whee" on Friday.. I was in a terribly bad mood..
Firstly, I got pissed of over something really small.. Seriously, it was a totally SMALL matter but I don't know why am I so pissed.. And it's so not me being all quiet (as in, not talking at all, and not hyper..) and bitchy plus IGNORING people around me. Sash was trying really hard to make me not ignoring her, but, somehow, I just ignored her. I can see she was VERY emotionally drained by me.. Man, I good at that.. hehehe... Which I'm quite proud of.. BUT, I felt bad too, okay.. Sorry babes!! For being all bitchy, rude, and having you guys worry about me..That day, will never ever happen again!! I promise.....
Secondly, MATHS is driving me CRAZY!! I used to be like, GOOD AT IT!! BUT NOW, I lost everything. I still.. DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO!!! This is seriously and wayy too depressing knowing that finals is like in another 3 weeks.. Now, tell me how am I to brush up my Maths???!!!!! It irritates me to the max where it has too much to contain in my head!! Frigging DARN MATHS!!!
Thirdly, I'd mentioned in my previous post, my kakak has now left and mom is NOT employing any help, NO MORE!! So, basically, that was my first week of not having a helper at home. Things seem to went all chaos 'cause I only come back once a week, I'll have to do all the house chores bla bla bla... (Well, basically, I have to do all the things that my kakak has to do!!) But, once I got home, I SLEPT!! It's a smart move!! Sleep before you do your stuff!!
After my siesta, I got up, automatically (note: AUTOMATIC) went to the kitchen, pick up the broom and sweep then mop while the washing machine is doing the washing. Took out all the clothes and hang them outside. And this is where the drama came in.. For me,
Doing house chores=No need to wear so nicely+No makeups+Tie chicken tail hair
While I was emotionless hanging the clothes, suddenly, there's this dude with a motorcycle came and stop in front of my house, the uglay dude was looking at me with one kind of weird looking. I just ignore him (my pro) and hang the baju larr.. Then, this uglay dude called me.. Guess what he called me.. "Kakak." I thought he was calling someone else larr.. Mana tau, he called again, "Kakak." I looked at him with my bitchy look and said to him, "I'm not kakak." He doesn't seem to understand, so I had to say it in Malay (Mind you, I haven been speaking Malay since I finished high school. Even if I speak to my kakak, it's broken, cacat-ed Malay, as long as she understands), "Saya bukan kakak. " He only went sorry sorry and asked me to pass some stuff to my uncle. Argh!!! This is so frustrating.. WTH!!! I could feel the steam rose from my belly up to my head and came out from my ear.. Bodoh orang!!! Tak guna otak langsung!! Tak guna mata dengan betul!! Perempuan who's hot like me became kakak in a few seconds.. Bodoh uglay orang!!!!
Fourthly, I thank God it was Friday!! 'Cause today, I'll be going to Redang Island!!! Aaaaahhhhhhh~~~~~ Paradise...... Muahahahahhahaahahha...... (I can sense someone's starting to curse me..) La di dum~~~
Take care people!! I won't be back till Wed, I think. Meanwhile, you people have fun too!!Since it's a long holiday. (Take out Monday, then it'll be a long holiday!!) *grins*
Oh, before I forget, I miss u babes!!!!! And so sorry for what had happened few days ago.. Me lurrrvvvveeeeesssssss you people loadsssssss..................
Labels: Updates
Y4:16 pm
Sunday, 22 April 2007
What a way to end my break. After farewell feasting for my kakak, we have to attend for a funeral service. My emotion is kind of confused n mixed up now. Don't whether to be happy or sad. Or maybe, like a radio player, if want to be "happy", press "play". Then press "stop" and change CD for "mourning".
My condolence to James Wang and Family for their lost mom/grandma. I pray that they all will be strong and continue to have faith in God.
"Tribute to Auntie Lilian. May your soul rest in peace."Labels: Passed on
Y7:23 pm
I just found out about Secondhand Serenade. I know...... I'm a lil' out-dated.. But.. What I want to say is... If you haven't heard of it... The songs are good!!! I suka!!! :D
Here are some of the songs......
Your Call by Secondhand Serenade
Maybe by Secondhand Serenade
Half Alive by Secondhand Serenade
Labels: Randoms
Y2:09 am
Saturday, 21 April 2007
Today is Friday.. I think..??? No.. Wait.. Let me check the calender.. Today's Friday.. Oh shit!! Today's the freaking Friday already?!!! Double the shit!!! Class is starting soon?!!!! Triple the shit... Which means...... My break has already ended!!! Today's the last day of my break!!! (I always leave out Saturdays and Sundays, coz I don't have classes on these days.) So, today is OFFICIALLY the last day of my break!!! NNNOOOOOOOO.......................................
Oh my freaking goodness!! I have to go back to Subang?! That freaking hellhole place with all sorts of crimes and not to mention, going back to college.. To see all those depressing lecturers giving out our depressing exam papers we did before the break.. Oh gosh!! Tell me it's not true... (I really wish it's not true..)
Oh no!! And it's not all yet!! Finals is another 3-4 weeks!! Which means, there'll be no more shopping spree?!!! Oh my effing goodness.. Why does this globe has to go so fast?! Can't they just take their own sweet time?!! I don't want my break to end so soon...... *whines*
Let's put those aside and look at the bright side..
Okay, I'll get to see my darlings and the tubby persian cat (sshhhh.... I hope he doesn't see this...) and be kook again. Great! Oh yea, I get to see eye candy (Raymond) La di dum~~~ *grins* I get to chill out at Starbucks with the KD family and dominate our usual spot, dose ourselves with coffee!! Go to AC to play the "big two" (chor dai di) with our ice lemon tea and char kuey teow!!
Yup yup yupz!!! Not too bad after all... I'm going back there more to have fun than to study.. blek!! But then again, that's what teenagers do right?!!!
By the way, Bak bought her prom dress in Forever 21 with only RM139.. That woman.. Didn't wait for us.. Hmph!!! I haven't even shop for mine... Sighz.. If I really can't find a dress that suits me, I guess I'll just wear my swimsuit.. So much easier, comfortable and cheaper... hehehe...... :P
Anyway, my class is starting soon.... Boo hoo hoo~~~~~ :'(Labels: Rambling
Y1:09 am
Thursday, 19 April 2007
I was tagged by Ruth.
So.. Here it is!!
5 reasons why I blog.
- To complain and whine from anything to everything!!
- Update about myself, eye candy, good news and bad news (like my previous post).
- I have nothing better to do?!
- I can bitch around about something/somebody that I don't like. Eg. My college sucks!! La di dum~~~
- And of course, to do all the tag thing like this one!!
The 5 people I tag:
*jeng jeng jeng!!*
- Bak
- En
- Jillian
- Kim
- Tasha
What are u waiting for?!! Go on and tag!!! :PLabels: Tags
Y10:37 pm
I'm so not in the mood today.
As most of you know, Eddie's grandpa passed away few days back. So, I went to Ipoh with my Pastor and his wife to visit the family.
By the way, if I'm not mistaken, this was my first trip to Ipoh. I would say, Ipoh is quite happening!! Of course, not as happening as KL and PJ. But Ipoh has two malls around. So much better than Seremban 'cause there's only one shopping mall in the whole town!! Depressing kan?!
Anyway, back to the story.
When we reached there, we had brunch then called Aunt Ruby for direction to the house. We were very unsure the way, so she offered to bring us in. And guess what, the stupid, depressing tree fell and crashed her car. The cause of it: Termites. The wind screen was broken. Sighs. Of all days, why today?!!! Thank God we called her a lil' later and she picked up her car a lil' later. What happen if she was in the car and the tree fell at the very moment? What happen we call her earlier?!?! Poor Auntie Ruby has to walk out to bring us in. Thank God it's only a few minutes walk to our car.
But, a funeral and the poor car on this day??!!! She must be so tired and stress, not to mention depressed and sad 'cause her car is only three years old!! I felt so sorry for her and did not know what to do but to keep smiling and hugged her.
When we were on the way to Ipoh, phone calls kept coming in, telling that my church friend's mom is not going to make it by tonight. She had cancer. The virus had spread to her bones and one side of her lung is not functioning, and the other of her lung is filled with water. *gasp!*
And more bad news (for me!!)...
When I just stepped down from the car, Bak text me telling me that our trials results were out today.
How wonderful??!!!! One after another. Like the sea wave that never end.
When I was having my nap just now, I was wondering, can there be more bad news later?!
My heart was crying out loud:"Oh God!! Stop!! Please stop!! All the bad news in a day?!! Gosh!! Enough!! Too much to contain."
And then I heard this tiny little voice, telling me that God is the strength of my heart!
What can I say?! Yes and Amen!!
Oh.. I so need chocolate now to hype myself again.. Thank God for chocolate!!!
Anyway, keep smiling and thank God for everything, for God has a purpose in everything. =)
Has anyone read the news about Virginia Tech Massacre?!! If you haven't, read it now!!
Sighs.. I have nothing to say and felt very awfully, horribly, terribly bad and sorry for those who were involved in it. It gave me goosebumps when I read it and worse of all, they all died at my age?!!! It suddenly reminds me of my dear friend Shawn that passed away last year when he was only 19 years old too. Sighs.. It creeps me when I read the news.
And it brought me back to Shakespears' poem - Life's Brief Candle. How short, unexpected and fragile can life be. One shot with only one bullet or one unforeseen and very unfortunate accident could just take your life away!!!
......I don't know what to say...... I'm so speechless...... It grieved my heart when I hear things like that. Where is the sanity in this person?! It's so inhuman to be so cold!! It's so inhuman to just simply trigger the gun and shoot at someone. I'm sorry if I'd judged this person, but I'm really sorry and this is so unfair to those who were dead. Worse still, it's so unfair to those who died that has nothing to do this person.
So strong but yet so short, unexpected and fragile a life can be, and it is. All I can say is to live life to the fullest for God.
Labels: Accident, Passed on
Y9:26 pm
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
There's two news: Good and bad.. Hmm.. Which to go first?? *iny-mini-maini-mo!!* Good first...
This post goes to RUTH TAN ZHAO YEN!!!
A super big surprise from her...
We were IM-ing yesterday and suddenly.. Phone rang.. I was upstairs.. Lazy to go all the way down to pick up the phone.. So, my kakak picked it up called me!! Oh.. It's for me!! Went down... *toooooooot* Okay... So I waited for a while and it rang again. *Hah!! I'm so smart* I picked up and listened really, really closely to the phone and said,"Hello.. Hello.. Hello hello hello??? Who's this?? I can't hear you!!! Hello....................." Then I hang up!! Bugger prank calls.. And I went upstairs.
Then the phone rang again!! Ish.. I'm not picking that again!! So, my poor kakak has to do it.. And she called me again!! Great.. Who the heck is that?!!!!
"Hello??? Hello.........."
Then I heard a tiny little voice coming from don't know where with a laugh, "Hello..."
"Hello?? Who's this"
"Hello...... Pearl......"
How come the voice so familiar?? Oh!!! "RUTH TAN ZHAO YEN!!! Is that you?!!!!!"
And the conversation went on......
I don't know what made her call me.. By the way, she's in Australia now, if some of you don't know her.. She said she had some 120/130 days of trial run (free calls). So, she just call.. While we were IM-ing there.. Like have nothing to do.. Go study larr u.. Summore got test on Thursday.. :P
So, that's the good news: To hear from Ruth all the way from Aussie.
Anyway, it was great to hear (really hear) from her.. hehehe....... :D
Keep it coming, babe!!! =)
And here's the bad one..
This post goes to.. Eddie......
Eddie's grandpa passed away yesterday. So sad to hear that. My condolence to him.. :(
*Eddie, If you so happen to read this, keep smiling alright.. Lots n lots of hugz for u... =)
Labels: News
Y4:00 pm
I so totally love this skin!!! It's my favorite bear!!!!! It took quite a while to do it.. And now I'm having aches all over my body.. *ouch*.. But it's all worth while!!! Coz I like the bear!!! It makes me SMILE... :D
*Whoo hoo~~~~*
*Cheerleading dance*
I can hear my bed calling me now.. Nitez!!!
Labels: Randoms
Y4:43 am
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
I've been a demanding princess at home, ordering around of what to eat, what to cook, where to go, what to wear (my brother) and the best part, I can sleep all I want, wake up late in the afternoon (especially during the holidays), don't need to worry about house chores for the pass 19 years.
And now, my mom's assistant (well, most of you call them "maid" or "servant", "assistant" sounds a lot better, but I call her "kakak") is leaving in a week time and she's not going to employ anyone anymore.
Reason: We all have grown up and don't need anymore assistant around. Right...
And now, mom was telling me to cut down on my going out late at night (on Friday) / sleeping late and wake up early to help her do house chores during the weekends. How wonderful.. *sulk*
I used to thank God for having an assistant, for the most important reason- I don't need to do chores. Now, I thank God for technology- the wonderfulness of washing machine, vacuum cleaner and advanced mop. Oh, is there any more advanced iron, as in, no need to iron them one by one but can iron all of the clothes together in one go??!!!! Seriously......
Oh gosh, having to imagine that. I only come home once a week with a week of laundry!! I'll have to wash all of them, hang all of them to dry, iron all of the one whole week laundry!!! Oh my goodness, a total disaster for my Friday late nights and long hours of sweet dreams..
Labels: Rambling
Y10:09 pm
Monday, 16 April 2007
Thanks to Ruth. She just told watch the video in her blog. Man.. It was really freaky and frightening!!
Anyway, to all Christians and non-Christians. You must watch this.
Are You Ready For The RaptureSo, are you really, really ready for the rapture???Labels: Truth
Y11:34 pm
As I had mentioned before that I had movie marathon.. To keep myself occupied, and also, excuses not to study so soon. I basically finished watching all the movies that I'd missed.. *grins*
Like I'd mentioned before, and I would like to list them again..
So, for the one whole week, I watched:
- The Devil Wears Prada (So bimbo..)
- The Fast and The Furious (I like that muscle dude. Can't remember his name. He also acted in The Pacifier. Know him??)
- Too Fast Too Furious
- Tokyo Drift (Drift.. Drift.. Drift..)
- A Walk to remember
- Serendipity
- The Little Mermaid (I watched this before. Watch it again coz I just feel like it?? :D)
- Bring It On Again
- Step up
- Nanny Mcphee
- She's the Man
And.. I also finished watching One Tree Hill Season 2 and 3. Which left me hanging there (suspend- what Ally said) when Cooper and Rachel had car crash and fell in the river with the limo. Argh... So evil.. Made me wait.
And how time flies!! There's only one more week left. Which means, head back to the books and start studying, you lazy ass!!
Sigh.. If I have such dedication and determination for my books. I wouldn't be suffering now.
So, I guess I'll be all nerd and geek again!! My mom will be sooooo proud of me.. Labels: Movies
Y2:05 am
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Today, I watched......
- Too Fast Too Furious
- Tokyo Drift
- Bring it on
- Step up
Oh, yesterday, I missed listing out one movie. Before watching The Little Mermaid, I watched Serendipity. It was a nice one.. How I wish it's Christmas now. Okayyy.. I know it's a lil' too early.. But yea.. :D
Hhmmm... I was wondering, should I watch OTH (One Tree Hill) now??? Better not, I could imagine Sash's face and Ruth shaking her head.. :D
Labels: Movies
Y2:51 am
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Yesterday, I had movie marathon at home. Well, just to pass time and most importantly, to watch all the movies that I had missed out, and also don't want to start studying for finals so soon.
So, I finally get to watch The Devil Wears Prada, The Fast and Furious (I know, I could get to watch it in Astro but I always missed it), and A Walk to Remember (which I finally get to watch it after for so long and I watched it like twice 'cause it was super nice..).
An hour and 30 minutes ago, I was watching The Little Mermaid. Hmm.. I have no idea why I watched that. Probably, to remember those days when I was a kid, I used to wish for something...... Different. A mermaid.. Hmm......
Anyway, it's 3am now.. And I'm super sleepy now.. *yawn*
There's a whole lots of movie to catch up!! The movie marathon.. To be continued..
By the way, thanks En, for the movies...... They totally kept me occupied.. :D
Labels: Movies
Y5:07 am
Monday, 9 April 2007
The Kooky Doodelz headed to Midvalley today with the tubby persian cat!!!
Before heading to Midvalley, I had three breakfast today. First, I went to my uncle's place and he fed me with blueberry cake and a cup of Milo. And then, we went for breakfast again and I had a super big plate of noodle before dropping me at the KTM station. And the third time was in Kenny Rogers.
Bak has blogged about it at our kooky doodelz blog.
Read that, and then you'll know what I'm talking about afterwards.
And now...
The after effect of it..
In the train..
My tummy was.. quite.. hot.. after eating the super spicy stingray... and it felt quite weird.. it's like stirring something round and round and round in your tummy..
When I got home......
My nose was bleeding!!! (This has proven how heaty today's food was.. Plus, I had lamb yesterday.. But I don't care anyway, as long as I'm fed!! hehehe.. :D)
And then, I fell flat on my bed after washing up..
Got up and totally forgotten about dinner. Who cares, I'm super bloated now..
My tummy wasn't that well.. I had quite a difficult time on my throne.. la di dum~~
Ahhh~~~ Here goes my day. Man, I felt so sinful for eating so much. Such piggish, I am!!! But no one can beat Ally (for the first time of her life for eating so much), she went Sushi King with her family and have more food!! Dammit!! Should have followed her.. lalala~~ And darn Eddie, he was tempting me with his ikan lekor knowing me I can't put in anymore.. ish....... *shakes fist*

Anyway, cheers to the ally, sash and bak, and of course, tubby, the sugar daddy for.. for everything!!! And cheers to super spicy stingray.. LOL!! =)
Oh, by the way, we didn't get to watch Stomp the Yard, instead, we watched Catch and Release. It was okay larr.. Just a normal random love story to watch with your love ones. Jennifer Garner looks like a man from different angle!!! Scary-ness... :S
Labels: Outings
Y10:56 pm
Sunday, 8 April 2007
I'm going to watch
Stomp the Yard tomorrow with the girls and Tubby Persian Cat aka Girlfriend!! whee~~
there'll be more update about it tomorrow!! stay tune!! :D
Labels: Updates
Y11:52 pm
Saturday, 7 April 2007
This is the first day of my holiday!! And I'm bored.. Suddenly, there's nothing to do!! I had enough sleeps. I'd done all the things I have to do online. And now, what 's left?!! Studying?? Nah, not so fast..Boredom!!Oh, I catch a flu AGAIN!! I know, it's very irritating and it's bugging me, 'cause I can't breathe properly!!! With my nose!! It's blocked!! Ish... Irritating.. It is... Ggrrr..... Can someone find a cure for sinus!!! I will pay extra, as long as my sinus is GONE!!! *poof* and never come back..The family of kooky doodelz, need not to panic and worry, I'd taken flu medicine, and I'm making sure myself that I'll be alright before Monday!!! I know you all can't wait to go out with me.. lalala~~ *grins*By the way, Happy Easter day!!! =) It's the resurrection day of my dear Lord Jesus.. He is risen!! And I'm glad that He did!! For I'm definitely, very sure, that I'm serving a living God.Happy Easter day!!! =)Labels: Rambling
Y9:18 pm
Easy Rider
You're a bit of a romantic and have taste for the exotic. You love feeling the sea breeze in your hair, sun on your skin... Slip those shoes off... You like to kick back. When it comes to art, you're creative yourself, and you believe in self-expression. You can see the little masterpieces in everyday life - You can be a touch sentimental. As for music, it's the soundtrack to your world. It gives you focus, and concentration - You might find it hard to switch off. Your choice of treat shows you love being a little bit of naughty. Being good all the time is a bore. You've got a good sense of fun and maybe an infectious giggle.
When you look good you feel better. You're always up for spoiling yourself, after all, looking this good does take a little time and money you know! For kicks nothing beats an adrenaline rush. You like to take risks and push limits, you're confident and brave - Life is for the living. When it comes to holidays, you reckon they should always be indulgent - a very special treat and a chance to recharge your batteries in luxurious surrounding as well as spending quality time with family and friends. What grosses you out? You like people to be well groomed, with a tight bods and heaps of sex appeal. Wobble bits and hairy area are a complete turn off.
New Wave Puritan
Even if you have a little healthy approach to life, you still have your little vices that keep you going. It is all part of the routine, you're a creature of habit. Your choice of drink shows that on the whole you care about your health and make sure you're putting the right stuff in. As for the home, your bold personality is reflected in your style. You like to be in surroundings that lift your mood.
Love Bug
You're a real romantic and a bit of a dreamer. OK, life may not be a movie, but what's wrong with thinking is it? When you think of freedom, you think of living for the here and now. You're pretty fearless and take any opportunity given to you.
It's like.. true.. in someway.. the putting right stuff in your stomach.. Hhmmm... I don't think so......... LOL!!
Labels: Randoms
Y3:21 pm
Friday, 6 April 2007
It started with a very sugar-fied and caffeine-fied morning. I saw Raymond today in McD!! Thanks to Starbucks, they haven't open yet, so, Bak decided to have coffee in McD. And.. Whee~~ Raymond was there!! So, we'd chose a perfectly, correct spot, so that I can see Raymond and his super hot body while drinking my coffee.. I'm so HOT and started melting cause he's too HOT!!!! laaaaa~~~~ Oh c'mon, not everyone can get to stare at your eye candy while having breakfast early in the morning with a cup of coffee.. lalala~
By the way, I'm ditching all of the eye candies and decided to be a little loyal towards Raymond... and Jordan.. LOL!!!
Hyper HYPer HYPER!!!!! I am... :D
I'd like to announce that, I'd finally finished my trials!!
And for no reason, I made lots of sounds and noises after the Stats paper while walking out of the college. And my English, was super cacated.. No idea.. Bak and Sash were just staring at me, SPEECHLESSSS.......... LOL!!
Somehow, it seems kind of saddening. If I'd finished my trials, then, my finals will be quite soon. And after the finals, then, I'll be finishing my A Levels. This sucks man. Yes, I know I'd said it before, that I don't like the way my college handle things, but, it doesn't mean that I hate the whole college thing, I don't hate my friends!! I love them, all of them!!! Love them to the bits!! Without them, college is a whole hell hole thing to me.
Oh sh*t!!! Then, I wont be seeing Raymond and Jordan!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Let's not talk about that......
Anyway, after Stats paper, I went to 1U with Bak and En!! Yup!! And this was the first time I went out with En.. It was super fun!! Coz En, is somehow.. FUNNY!!! LOL!!!
We went to pick up En after collecting my stuff, then head to 1U. Bought the tickets for movie, went Delicious for PASTA!!! Yum yum!!! We too, had Gelato half an hour before the movie starts. LOL!!! Weng couldn't come, cause he had to stand by and fetch his little bro.. LOL!!! He can't have Gelato... lalala~~
Oh, did I say about the movie? Bak and I watch Meet the Robinsons again!!! This was our second time!! And we don't mind watching it again. Cause En haven't watch it, and I don't want to watch TMNT and Mr. Bean's Holiday. Tiny, the Dino is so CUTEEEEE!!!!!!!! LOL!!! "I have too little hand, and my head is too big." LOL!!! CUTE!! CUTE!!!
We then, went SHOPPING!!! I'm broke but, who cares.. When it comes to shopping, especially for women, all of a sudden, you're broke but somehow still can afford a few pieces of shirts though.. hehehe.. :D
Oh!! By the way, Bak darling sent me home, all the wayy back to Kepong.. Thanks babe!! And En, me loves spending time with you...!!! It was FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!! :D We should do this more often...
Till then... =)
Oh!!! Almost forgot, today is Sash's mom's birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to the Jan & Mar intakers for A Levels!!! :D
Labels: Hyper, Outings
Y8:18 pm
Monday, 2 April 2007
April Fool
Uh-huh.. I was extra cautious knowing what day is today. I thought I'm not gonna get fooled coz..Firstly, everyone in my college, as in for those who are doing Cambridge A Levels, will be studying and will have no time to play pranks.Secondly, Andrew (the attention seeker that always seeks revenge and wanted to kill me in various ways..) didn't come to church today!! Totally safe!!And guess what..Someone from so far, far away, was able to fool me!!! Read this. Then, you'll know the whole story..So much for being fooled!! *Bitchy glare* at her...Labels: Fooled
Y12:43 am
Sunday, 1 April 2007
. . . S E T T L E D . . . . . .
Labels: Relieved
Y8:54 pm
I'm telling you.. Kids these days.. They can be really, really cute and angelic.. Meantime, they could be pure evil like a little devil!!My cousin has two kids-a girl and a boy. The girl now is five and the boy, I think he's three.So, I went to this cousin's house for dinner. After dinner, I was so tired I just went to the living room and sat there and watched cartoon with them while my uncle and aunt and my cousins etc chit chatting at the dining hall.. Sigh.. The cartoon I meant are like Banana in Pyjamas, Rolie, Polie and Olie that kind. You could find them in channel 63 if you have full package of astro or you'd subscribe that package at home.Back to the story, suddenly, the girl came up to me, asked me how to spell my name. I was like, aawww.. she'd learned how to write ABC. So, I spelled my full name. Then she was going on and on bragging about her daddy, that he has longer name than mine. Fine, I was sitting down there nodding. Since her brother and herself were not watching their cartoon channel, I told them that I'm going to change channel. They didn't say anything, so I assumed it was a yes. Guess what..The girl started calling me stupid. I was like WHAT??!!! And then, the three-year-old brother started to kick me. WTH!! What's wrong with you people?! Both of them started attacking me!! One kept on calling me stupid, another kicking me!! Suddenly, the girl took the remote control and turned off the TV. I was holding another remote control and turned it on again. She turned it off, I turned it on.. It went on and on until she got so fed up, she went up to the switches and turned everything off!! And the younger one still kicking me. And guess what, they told me to get out of the house!! It was so freaky!! A moment ago, they were such cute little children, seconds later, it was like some kind of demon possessed or something.Then my mom came out and my cousin too. I told them everything. My cousin then caught hold on his daughter and asked why she did that, she said because I changed their channel.MAN!! How demanding can that be?!!! She could just came up to me and asked me to change back the channel for them!! Not cursing people stupid or kicking and telling me to get out of the house?!!!!Kids these days.. Sigh......................Labels: Rantings
Y12:37 am